Ignacio Rodrguez Srabonin Montevideo, Uruguay. 1983 2010 - Selection Contemporary Art Space exhibition projects, Montevideo, Uruguay 2009 - Directorate of Project and International Meeting of Photography curadura FILMS. Paul Atcgarry Foundation. Punta del Este, Uruguay. Collective Hotel San Rafael, Punta del Este, Uruguay. P. Marqueting Global Gallery del Este Buenos Aires 2008 - Pulp Fiction. San Fernando Museum of Maldonado, Uruguay as teacher assumes responsibility Photography Workshop at the Municipal School of Visual Arts Maldonado 2007 - Graduated from National School of Fine Arts University of the Republic, Bildimport Importacin of images Frankfurt Montevideo. R. Gschrey I Rodrguez. Conteiner-Container, University of Frankfurt, Germany. Travel Confessional Project 3rd Stage Exhibition Gallery Art-box. Frankfurt, Germany Exhibition Project MEC-Private Pblico Frankfurt-Montevideo. Project confessionals Frame 2007 2nd stage travel Busy IENBA Erika Bernhart - Ignacio Rodrguez. Teatro Solis, Montevideo, Uruguay 2006 - Visual PULSIN Project. Yazigi Cultural Exhibition Space, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. 3x4 Photo Exhibition Project Carn Shopping Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS Brazil. Scores photographic exhibition room Memors Peixes na Janela, Macondo Lugar. Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. Contest Mention photographic honorfica Santa Mara Brazil 2005 - Scholarship Program-Group Scale-UFSM UdelaR Montevideo UFSM collective Exhibition Workshop 1339, IBerCamargo Museum, Santa Maria, RS . Brazil Collective Exhibition area of Photo-Cine-Video IENBA. City Centre Travel Photography Project 1st stage Confessional Room Peixes na Janela, Macondo Lugar, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. 2004 - Urban intervention Excentra 04, San Gregorio de Polanco-Paso de los Toros, Tacuarembo Uruguay.